中文版 | Versi Melayu

Travel by coach from Johor to Kuala Terengganu
Coach Company From To Departure Time
Transnasional Pasir Gudang MBKT 9.30am
Transnasional Larkin MBKT 10.30am
Transnasional Terminal J Rogayah MBKT 9.00pm
Transnasional Pasir Gudang MBKT 10.00pm
Transnasional Terminal J Maharani MBKT 10.00pm
Transnasional Larkin MBKT 11.00pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Pontian MBKT 6.00pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Batu Pahat MBKT 7.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Air Hitam MBKT 8.00pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Larkin MBKT 8.00pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Kluang MBKT 8.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Air Hitam MBKT 9.00pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Muar MBKT 9.00pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Mersing MBKT 9.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Tangkak MBKT 9.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Segamat MBKT 10.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express Segamat MBKT 10.45pm


Travel by coach from Kuala Terengganu to Johor
Coach Company From To Departure Time
Transnasional MBKT Pasir Gudang 9.30am
Transnasional MBKT Larkin 9.30am
Transnasional MBKT Terminal J Maharani 8.30pm
Transnasional MBKT Terminal J Rogayah 8.30pm
Transnasional MBKT Pasir Gudang 9.30pm
Transnasional MBKT Larkin 9.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express MBKT Batu Pahat 11.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express MBKT Larkin 11.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express MBKT Kluang 11.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express MBKT Mersing 11.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express MBKT Muar 11.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express MBKT Pontian 11.30pm
Cepat & Cekap Express MBKT Segamat 11.30pm



This coach travel guide between Johor and Kuala Terengganu serves as a general guide for travelers planning for a journey between these two cities. The coach companies reserve the right to change the travel route and time without advanced notice, hence, it is always recommended to check the travel schedule in advanced.


  1. To catch the first boat from Shahbandar Jetty or Merang Jetty to Pulau Redang, travelers should take an overnight coach from Johor and arrives at Kuala Terengganu Coach Terminal before 7.30am.
  2. For return trip from Kuala Terengganu to Johor, please take the coach departs from Kuala Terengganu not earlier than 9.30am (for boat departs from Redang to Shahbandar Jetty at 7.30am) or 1.00pm (for boat departs from Redang to Shahbandar Jetty at 11.00am or boat departs from Redang to Merang Jetty at 10.30am).
  3. Traveler should take note that the boat from Redang Island may delayed due to tidal or weather condition, hence, it is strongly recommended to spare at least 3 hours from the time leaving from Redang to the time the coach departs.
  4. For boat schedule and estimated transfer time, please see this get in guide for Redang.
  5. Estimated travel time between Johor and Kuala Terengganu is 7 hours by coach.

Coach ticket online booking:

  1. Easibook.com

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